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A spread on the history of car aerodynamics in Autocade Year of Cars 2025.

Year of Cars 2025, as endorsed by Giles Chapman

How wonderful to see another endorsement from my friend and colleague Giles Chapman, who endorsed the first Autocade yearbook. For the latest edition, he writes on Linkedin: ‘The second annual edition of Autocade has just arrived, conceived and published by my friend Jack Yan and Lucire. In the great tradition of automotive annuals, Autocade is packed with great reading on a wide variety of car topics, as these two pieces on aerodynamics and the new wave of Chinese luxury cars prove. Well worth the £29.99 price.’

Nothing beats seeing original photographs taken from people’s own spaces, as you then know the goods must exist in the real world, outside of a publisher’s polished, computer-generated images.

You can purchase Autocade Year of Cars 2025 here.